
I refuse.

I've been struggling. My dream, is to go to Guatemala and help people, who are less fortunate.... But when you've become so comfortable (and happy) in your life, when you have things and people around you that you love, you have this feeling of never wanting to leave. I don't want to leave. I want to help children, I want to get married, I want to have my own children and start a family. Have a house, decorate it. I want to have pets and love them unconditionally. I want to grow old with the love of my life. I've been placed in peoples lives for many reasons over the years, and I've seen the results of my words, or actions, or whatever, in their lives. When someone comes into your life, and you know they're there for a reason, you don't want to just walk out on them. I refuse to let down the ones I love.

I've been torn up, ripped apart, broken down, and thrown away, more times than I can remember. I am quite tired of it. I just want to be happy. Life gets hard at times. But I refuse to give up. I refuse to let my happiness cease me. Positive thoughts bring about happy consequences. Giving up just shows the people around you that you are weak, and I refuse to be weak. I refuse to let anyone else steal my joy that Jesus has given me. I want to share it with others. When I care about someone or something, you will surely know. What makes me happy? Making others happy. And I am doing that quite fine right here. What do you when you come to a rock and a hard place? You smile. And trust God. Because something that I've learned, is he surely will take care of it. and YOU. He has taken care of me for 21 years and will continue to do so. I've been through a whole hell of a lot, but that doesn't mean that God doesn't love me. He was/is molding me, shaping me. I wouldn't be me, without what I've been through. So I know that everything that is bound to happen in my life, God has his hand over it, protecting me. I refuse to let anyone tell me I am 'too happy' or 'post about God too much', because I know what I believe in, and it takes more faith to not believe than it does to believe. I refuse to hear someone say that God doesn't exist.

I am happy. I am loved. I am excited for my future. I am who I am. I will try everyday to be the best person that I can be. I refuse to give up. And I refuse to let anyone take that away from me.

Now repeat after me.

I am happy. I am loved. I am excited for my future. I am who I am. I will try everyday to be the best person that I can be. I refuse to give up. And I refuse to let anyone take that away from me......

Print this out. Hang it up by your mirror, and remember... God has a bigger plan for your life than you could ever imagine. Dont let anyone take that away from you. Especially the devil. Because he will do anything and everything he can to bring you down.

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