
Amanda, You're an Energizer

Visual DNA & Personality Quiz results
(this quiz is done by answering questions with pictures)
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I took this quiz, and it's weird how totally accurate it is. Find out more about me, by reading my results!

Amanda, You're an Energizer

Spirit You're an Energizer. A true original with a great sense of humor and spontaneous streak, you're fun to be around and love being at the centre of the action. Things might be feeling a bit monotonous at the moment. You could probably do with shaking things up and having a break from your usual routine. When it comes to bringing positive change to your life, don't try to move mountains. Baby steps are definitely the way forward. For example, if you'd like to lose weight, don't set yourself up to fail with unrealistic goals. Be kind to yourself and remember that slow and steady wins the race. For a lively people person like you, it's especially important to balance the "up" times with some quiet and reflective downtime. You can't expect yourself to run on all cylinders 100 percent of the time. The value of quiet time to meditate on your hopes and desires shouldn't be underestimated.

Relationship You would like to be able to share your spiritual side with your new partner. Feeling at peace with the world comes naturally when you're travelling life's path with your soulmate. You're a deeply passionate person and will go to extreme lengths for love. You're naturally open and find it easy to make connections. It's all about intuition and chemistry and being swept off your feet. Love means opening yourself up to intense experiences that you'll remember for the rest of your life. You are expressive and sensual and, so making a strong physical connection is important to you. It feels really good to lose yourself in the moment. There's nothing like being in love to put a smile on your face, butterflies in your stomach and a spring in your step.
Relationship tips:
So you're Passionate but what tips can we give for when you're looking for love?
Take it easy. Allowing your new relationship to develop gradually would be a really healthy approach for you. Slow and steady wins the race in this case.
Make friends. Connecting on a physical level is really important to you. But set strong foundations by getting to know each other first.
Slow and steady wins the race. Take things at a sensible pace so you'll keep your feet on the ground and stay realistic about what will work in your everyday life.
You are naturally warm and trusting. Just make sure to follow your instincts and listen to your head as well as your heart before diving in too deep.

Money You're an adventurer at heart, and love to see new places when you get the chance. Expanding your horizons can really help to put things into perspective. The true mark of success for you is a happy home. It is the main focus of your life and the center of all your aspirations. You're happiest when you feel settled and comfortable. True fulfillment for you is in having strong, loving relationships with family and friends. If they're healthy and happy, that's all that matters to you

Health Unappealing as it may seem, it would be good to try to be a bit more active every day. You might be surprised at how much you'd actually enjoy regular exercise. It may sound hard to believe, but endorphins are better than chocolate if you just give them a chance! You may even find that you're in a better mood more often. Start off with something that isn't too intimidating, like climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator. You might even consider signing up for a few personal training sessions in the gym so that you have a program that's tailored just for you. You may need to think about making a few changes what you eat too. Maybe you could try making homemade versions of your favorite restaurant meals to reduce the sodium and fat content and eat healthier without compromising too much on taste.

Home Ever stopped to dream about your perfect life, even for a bit? Thought so! In fact, your grounded nature suggests your dream life isn't too far out of reach. You're not fantasizing about exotic villas or huge mansions - you'd probably be more comfortable in a beautiful house in the suburbs. A nice neighborhood and friendly neighbors would go a long way for you.

Entertainment You're an outdoorsy person, happiest when you can get out into the fresh air and explore what the countryside has to offer. You can't beat a few quiet hours in the peace of nature to be alone with your thoughts. Perfect for feeling refreshed and rejuvenated!

Style Classic and classy just about sums you up! You're down-to-earth and practical with a laid-back approach to life. Whether you're just grabbing a coffee or off on exotic travels, you're always cool, calm and collected.

Travel You're open-minded and a positive thinker, so when you get the chance to go traveling, you love to head somewhere exotic and off the beaten track. For you, escapism is the ultimate in relaxation. It's the perfect antidote to the stress of everyday life. You love the feel of the sun and sea on your skin, so your perfect vacation would definitely include a beach. Even better if it's secluded and undiscovered by hordes of tourists!

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